Last time I was using the open source project manangent system Zentao, but I found that really no use, and the open source version might not work after some time, then I realized, open source projects, they have some remote operation backdoor of course, you can't manage that!!
But, how to manage my lists conveniently? I decide to continue using my CalochJs to build a task manage system.
The main thing is the list board. A project usually consists of so many tasks that have sub tasks, this is a tree structure allowing you to add any sub task to children.
So, a project managent system is a list of projects, that's a list of trees.
First, create a project table.
Then create a tree table whose root node is the project, whenever adding a new project, a new tree root node is created, and keep adding children nodes to the root to manage tasks that are subsidary to the tree, and display with level.
This is my design to create this part.
Luckily, I have created common controls such as trees, everything in CalochJs, it is quite easy to craft for such a task topic.
There should be modals, so, I plan to integrate bootstrap.
So, there are some questions to come up with that will appear on the documentation.
1. how to reference
2. how to bind a detail page
3. how to bind a form
4. how to use ajax to exchange data
5. how to use spa
6. how to use refs to create plugins